Thu 02 Jan
allow your fantastic imaginations become our no limitations 6163088046 - 27
(Grand Rapids, grandrapids)
Be'4 Work🔨Or After Work🔧My M👄uth is AWAYS the BesT👍& Available 💎$75hh sp313-465-9886 huney - 23
(Ann Arbor, Grand Rapids, I496 ( Lansing) miller incalls, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing)
An opportunity to explore your wants, needs and desires 💜 ~Specials~ - 23
(28th street SE, Grand Rapids)
Adult Fun With Multiple Beautiful Ladies @ Your Place - 21
(Battle Creek, Grand Rapids, Holland, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Your Place)
Ann is back for a short period of time only... Dont miss out on this exotic beauty!!!!! - 22
(Grand Rapids, in/out)
😘😘BLONDE HAIR BLUE EYES tuesday night SPECIALS 40ss 70hh 110hr❤️❤️#veryhorney - 21
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids mi)
♊Always been Your #1 pick Fa Ebony Lovers!!💋💋Sliky soft smooth all over Tall sexy Ebony Goddess💋💋 - 100
(Flint, flint,mi)
Best Body Massage includes everything you want - don't get ripped off!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
Beautiful Contessa- the lady with all you could wish for! All yours! - 36
(Grand Rapids, NW Grand Rapids)
Best kept secret ☺️ 💕💕 My clients love me! Such a nasty girl😏💦 pro freak! - 22
(Grand Rapids, Wyoming)
****Asian Persuasion ****100% Authentication****Outcall ONLY - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids & surrounding areas - Outca)
****Asian Treat *-*Sweet & Sassy**** Outcall Only - 29
(Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids & surrounding areas - Outca)
»* AvAilable NoW *« » outta the ShOwER { Mmmm... Tasty Treat} - 32
(Grand Rapids and surrounding areas)
3137131618 $60 INCALL Special, $100 OUTCALL Specials HURRY...LaST DaY in ToWn 3137131618 AVAILABLE - 20
(Detroit, (incalls & outcalls) SouthFieLD/ReDForD)
50ss "BUILT 4 PLEASURE"♦PETITE ebony PROvider ♦"ur NEW favorite"- ♥♥ KAPRI 2 KUTE♥♥ - 21
(Detroit, 9 mile and 94 freeway - INCALLS)
attentive touch wait until you see the best there is - 24
(Central Michigan, Detroit, Downriver, Flint, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Monroe)
1OO% REAL❥ __(( SEXY )) 💕💎💕 (( REViEWED )) —★💎★— (( BLONDE )) ❤️💕💎💕__(( BUNNY🐰 ))__ ❥ - 28
(Grand Rapids)
:+: ATTNTiON ----->NEW H0Tt Sw££T :+: £XoTiC_____ INCALL~ OUTCALL ____ 1OO% real pic< - - 22
(Grand Rapids)
✈✈✈✈ #1♥🌾 (2) ( Hott Girls ) ✈✈✈✈ NeW iN TowN (810) 962 6220 ✈✈✈✈✈✈✈ - 22
(Grand Rapids, 28 th street grand rapids 810 962 6220)
65 specials 65 specials 65 specials 65 specials 65 specials 65 specials until 4 - 22
(Detroit, Livonia-Canton-Westland-Redford-Garden C)
$65██NEW████36Dd's█████ IN █████ TROY█████ 🌴🐠 Exxotic🌸 ██ 🌴 KiNkY BaBe🌴██⚠✋No Fake ██$65 INCALL - 21
(Detroit, 14 mile & 75 / Madison hts $65)
$ ! 75$ 2 girl special with the puerto rican princess new& exclusive 100%real pix - 20
(Detroit, Southfield)
Upscale dominican body n beautiful face!!!!100$ - 22
(Bronx, Bronx e.tremont n white planes rd incall)
100hr special 150 out Skillz,& pleasure unmeasurable ♤♤ so Say No More (Piper)limited time - 24
(8mile Ferndale Warren southfield, Detroit, Downtown)
;°°1oo% °.-:¦:- °SaTiSFaCTiON °.-:¦:- °gUaRaNTeeD °; - w4m - 20 (SE Greand Rapids // Kentwood
(Grand Rapids)
2 hott New sexy chicks new hott an avalible now!!!!!! (313) 926¤7617 - 19
(Detroit, 94/(eastpoint roseville)
$35 top special 😍 $45ss for 20mins 👀👀👀 😍😍313*979*7898! - 22
(Detroit, East Outer Dr & 7mile Incalls Only, Warren / Sterling Heights)
Pik pik me pik me pik me in town for the weekend - 23
(Grand Forks, Gran folks Fargo Moorhead Bismarck mino)
You can have this dream girl once in a lifetime experience
(Bismarck, Fargo / Moorhead, Grand Forks, Minot)
313-982-2495 **Your Choice of 2 West Side White Girls* * In Calls Only * Joy Rd & Wyoming - 30
(Detroit, Detroit (West Side) Joy & Wyoming)
36DD ❥——» HOT PLaY ToY ❥—» AmAzInG SeRvIcE ❥——» NaTuRaL BeAuTy ❥——» 2 hr in call specials - 28
(Detroit, Downtown, Madison Troy 14 & 75 in-outcalls)
💕 HOT&DELICIOUS; 💋100%REAL ⚜️CHANNEL⚜️💋💋⭐️Sexy, Classy & Open minded⭐️ 💋💕💕💋 - 23
(Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat, Red Deer)
**** 231 * 683* 3920 ** Last Night IN TOwn **RiDe ThE*KyE** ExPrEsS *** 231* 683* 3920 - 27